Monday, June 23, 2008

its like that...and it will always be like dat...until the day u retire.

jus penning down my opinion on worklife...u can agree...u can disagree...
office politics, too many comments, backstabbing, hypocrites, and blablabla....
its always there as long as u are working. We can complain and comment as much as we want, but at the end of the day, we must remember that, it will happen anywhere...just about anywhere, as long as there is a group of humans working together...
Kan pepatah melayu da meyebut, "Manusia..rambut sama hitam, hati lain2.." ..dats why there is always differences.....and it is sumthing we cant avoid.

As a hamba Allah and berpegangan agama, we must tawakkal and redha. If betul working in a working place is not a place for us, then leave with grace and good memories.If it is time to leave, then leave. If we think that the current work is still a place for us to cari rezeki yg halal, then redha...tawakkal.... (i am reminding myself this over and over again too..I am only a human too, remember? *winks* .)..........

Ingat, hidup ini bagaikan pentas dunia.... pelakon nye adalah kite semua, ''director" nya adalah YG diatas........



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