Friday, August 08, 2008

the first step to the Day

Took leave yesterday...and went for registration at ROMM.

Quite crowded eh, maybe due to the date '08.08.08'... people are all rushing to get married on the date..maybe cause of the unique date...its easier for people who get solemnised to remember sepanjang hayat mereka.

as for us, we dont care much of the date...what matter most is, both our dreams are insyalla coming true one by one..

queue was madness, and people are getting angrier and grumbled cause of the slow services.I wont say much la...cos aniwae, there's only one person at the registration counter servicing the whole snake-queue..those hot-headed ones were nagging and membebels and whatever la...

i listened to the membebels and anger yesterday like radio rosak...nothing much to say wat, its not like the service is getting more took out my hand lotion and moisture the skin to kill time.

and As we are queueing up for the registration yesterday, looked each other in the eyes, and finally... we both said , "this is it...the first step to the Day..."

i smiled ...and applied my lotion somemore..

reached the counter,the man asked us for our NRIC, so I took out mine...and guess wat fairul took out.... Haisss..

he took out his POSB mastercard, and gave to the man with full blardy confidence.. and not realising it, cos he was busy talking to the man.

haha. i was about to give him the look...the FAIRUL!-CAN-U-PLEASE-DO-IT-AND-LISTEN-TO-Instructions-PROPERLY-FOR-ONCE?! look.

but then, i remind myself again that he's my fiance and my future husband, i smiled and laugh it off.. just like the man did.... the man said " eh, takkan awak nak kasi saya duit awak "....



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